Saturday, October 12, 2013


I don't think there was a preasssigned blog topic this week, so I am going to talk about Jon Stewart's interview with the 16-year-old Pakistani girl, Malala. She was hunted by the Taliban, yet maintains a pacifistic attitude that has shocked the world.

She says in the interview that if she were to be confronted by a member of the Taliban, that she would, rather that throw her shoe at them, which was her first thought, she would speak to the man about the importance of education and take a non violent route. It was this reasoning that shocked pretty much everyone. For so many years, we have been engaged in such brutal violence to fight them that it is hard to imagine dealing with it any other way, but this girl did.

If we could stop violence all together, obviously that would be great. I feel like we are probably in too deep. To stop fighting now and switch methods, it doesn't seem very plausible. What I don't know is how much discussion actually has gone on. We see on the news all of the terror and violence, but you don't see much discussion. I understand why this may be difficult, the Taliban doesn't seem like the kind of group that would subject themselves to such a discussion, they aren't really looking for compromise.

In the context in which Malala explained it though, it could happen. What has captivated so many people is the thought of what would happen? Although the Taliban might be bad guys, they are humans. Would they listen or would the continue to shoot? I honestly don't know, fortunately I have never had any run-ins with the Taliban, but in my mind, they have to be so messed up to do the things they do. I don't think they have any trace of humanity and decency to stop them from killing yet another person.

Despite all of this, her comment is still striking and her goals are still honorable. I believe she will get what she wants and I think she could play a big role in the future of Middle Eastern relations with the Taliban, because obviously she is very different, special, daring and smart, all qualities that an impactful leader needs.

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