Saturday, October 19, 2013

Closed county

This blog post is in response to this article

I never thought of the shut down of National Parks as an actual problem, but rather as a more of an inconvenience. I forget that National Parks are not just a luxury, but an actual source of revenue for certain places.

I think that this county has every right to stay open, if that is what takes to stay alive. This entire government shut down is very sad, and I wonder if they realize how many people's lives they affected by their stubbornness. As well-off, educated people, you would think that they would, yet here we are, coming off the tail-end of a government shut down that jeopardizes so many people's well being.

I wonder if the government will enforce the fines and punishments for trespassing. While they could certainly use the money, they look bad enough as it is. To punish people for trying to maintain their well being would be absolutely atrocious.

What I don't understand is whether or not they are just reopening the parks and doing the work without getting paid, or how they are funding the reopening. Everything costs money, and I imagine National parks don't just have a lot of spare cash sitting around just in case.

I am very happy that the government shutdown is over, but I wish more would have come out of it. The polarization of our politics is so terrible. When it comes to election time, of course I want to vote, I think that its hard to complain about how the government is running if you decide not to vote, but I really don't want to vote for anyone. The only candidates I would truly stand behind would never win. I think this government shutdown could've done more to change things, and make an example of how bad it is when things are like this, but I don't think it did.

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