Saturday, August 31, 2013

Journalists are watchdogs, not cops

The article deals with the age old question faced by journalists: when, if at all, is it necessary to step in and intervene. I truly think this issue is all grey area, there are numerous situational differences that dictate whether or not it is right to step in. In this instance, I think it was acceptable for Sara to stand back and continue photographing.

In large part, I believe this because of the reasoning that she used, there was honestly nothing that she could physically do. To step into a fight that she could not contribute to would pointless, what reason does she have to put her life in danger? She also had nothing to do with this fight, so again, she didn’t really have any place in being in it.

Although she could’ve seen this coming, I don’t understand what she was supposed to do because of that. I don’t believe you can call the police and say, I think this man may possibly hit his girlfriend sometime soon. She did what she could, when she could.

As far as the journalistic values, I think that’s a little bit trickier, but again, I do not think she was in the wrong. Even though the story she was trying to tell wasn’t about domestic violence, because the story that she set out to tell included domestic violence, it only makes sense to include it. Was she supposed to scrap the whole story because it had this element? I do not see why. Another alternative, I suppose is to not include the photos of domestic violence, which I think is even worse. The domestic violence is part of the story; it needs to be included in the story.

People naturally will feel uncomfortable when viewing pictures of such intense nature, such as pictures of domestic violence. I can understand why there may have been backlash. Seeing something like that is startling and confusing, but if you take a step back and think about the situation Sara was in, the end result was justified. Her pictures provided concrete evidence that this was going on, without them this man could’ve gotten away with this. It would’ve then been a tragedy if she set her camera down for some feeble attempt to break it up. Perhaps they didn’t need to be published, but she is a journalist, she set out to tell a story, and that was how the story went, and so that is how she is required to tell it.

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